Sunday, September 8, 2013


A long while ago, maybe a couple of years, I had an idea, wrote it down on a post-it note, and stuck it on the side of my dresser, by my head, so that I would think about it and follow its directions when I was feeling stuck, as I had been when I wrote it. (But, being stereotypical me, it's been like 2 years and I'm just now getting around to it, lol. But, I probably need it the most now anyway, so here goes!)
And my theory was:
Accept Your Position.

Basically, the steps to follow were to stop looking forward or back, but simply say: I Am Here. (Ya know, like one of those little red stars on a map in a rest area on the highway or something). Regardless of where I wanted/want to be in my life right now, literally and/or figuratively, I am currently here. How do I feel about being here?

Then, you must look back. How did I arrive here? Which choices lead me to this position? Why did I make them? Pros and cons of making them?

Finally, look ahead. What would I like to change about my position? Where would I rather be? What would I rather be doing? Which steps are necessary to getting me where I want to be? What can I start doing right this very moment to put me on the way towards where I want to be?

I hope that everyone, at least at some point in their life, can reach their desired position, because isn't that what we're all striving for out in this big, bad world? If you aren't on the right path, get on it! Today is the day to start making changes in your life. I for one, have finally reached that point where I'm ready to kick myself in the butt and do something, because I'm sick of sitting around mildly (or not even) satisfied with my position, and it's time to get to the places I want to be, the life I want to be living. Please, from someone who's done this, don't spend all your time dreaming. The longer you dream, the harder it is to let yourself have something that you want, because you've idolized something in your head so much that the reality just won't compare. In the wise words of Edith Wharton (if you haven't read The Age of Innocence, I highly recommend it. It makes you think about life in a really great way.),

"Only I wonder--the thing one's so certain of in advance:
can it ever make one's heart beat as widely?"

So, as you assess your position and the changes you may need to make in your life, make good plans, and follow them, but don't be surprised if everything doesn't go exactly according to how you set it up, because it just may be better that way (:

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