Monday, September 10, 2012

Oh, what a beautiful morning

Good morning! The sleep hasn't completely left my eyes, but I'm up early to take my sister to school and do homework. However, the morning is mine. Mornings are often underrated, taken for granted as we rush off to school or work. Few have the luxury to just sit by a window with a cup of coffee and look out at the sun filtering through the green leaves, only reaching the ground here and there and making the dew sparkle. This is one of my favorite times: the grass is still wet, there is still a chill in the air, but the sunlight is warm on your face and the air is still with the promise of a nice day to come.
In other news, fall is finally on its way, and oh how I've missed it. Last year fall was shortened due to an extended rainy period which rid the trees of their leaves too quickly. However, we should be in for a beautiful show of foliage in the coming months. It is very chilly today, but I love it. Last night, due to the chill, I was able to put a heavy comforter over my usual fleece blanket and thin quilt, and the heaviness and warmth of the blankets provided a heavy restful sleep. I cannot wait for the coziness that comes with autumn and winter. Hot cider, fires in our old-fashioned woodstove, sweaters, thick socks, fleece blankets! That's why I love autumn so much: the feeling of warmth inside against the chill outside as everything prepares for the quiet cold of winter. I have a favorite book from childhood which told of the progression through the seasons at a farm, and its pictures and descriptions of fall and winter are always what I think of when I imagine those seasons. Every now and then I like to look back through my favorite books from childhood while curled up in a blanket in fall or winter. There is nothing so comforting as that. I may be legally an adult, but there's nothing wrong with still being a child every now and again. I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Here's that light filtering through the trees that I described:

(I took this photo with Instagram, it is property of moi. Eventually I'll put my profile name up on here for y'all if you want to follow.)
I hope your day was light :)

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