Monday, September 24, 2012

You Can Breathe Now

Anyone recognize those lyrics? Jack's Mannequin. One of my absolute favorite bands everrrr. And I got to see them in April (this was literally on my bucket list) and it was just amazing, such a great show :)
So! Speaking of those lyrics, I had a very busy weekend and day, and I was feeling down for a lot of it because I had two big things hanging over my head for school, but now that they're over and I've gotten to sit down and unwind and recharge for a bit, I feel loads better :) For one, I've been wearing sweats for like four solid days now that the thermometer hovers around 60 at the most. I feel like I've forgotten how to dress for fall and all of my warm clothes have disappeared! But, by catching up on my Man Repeller (my favorite blog, check her out now if you don't know her. She's like the best friend you always wanted who makes those really daring clothes acceptable by wearing them out first with full confidence. She inspires me with no matter what she writes!), I feel ready to dive into fall fashion and looking good. I said at the beginning that I'd post stuff about fashion, but I haven't yet, I'm sorry! I promise things like outfit posts and posts about certain trends will begin hopefully tomorrow. 
Currently, I'm still working on trying to figure my life out slowly but surely. One positive thing I have done is begun saving. I went out for coffee with my friend Ally the other day and she told me how she saves coins and 1 dollar bills. For the coins, anytime she buys something, she always takes the full change for it and empties her wallet into a big piggy bank when she gets home. She has been able to save up almost $300 for concert tickets this way! She'll also do the same things for any 1 dollar bills she gets, and she just keeps them in a stack on her dresser and adds to the pile all the time with the same results! With this in mind, I emptied my wallet of coins and ones...and then wondered what I should save for. Was there anything I really wanted that I could realistically save for? I pondered this for a day or two when suddenly inspiration struck and I was looking up flight prices from here to London, England. I have no idea if that's actually where I'll go or even what I'll end up using the money for, but that's what my mind said to do. When I went to Europe 3 (3?!) years ago, I flew into London and it was beautiful and I figure I'd like to at least have been in the airport  before if I'm going abroad. Now, these are no cheap tickets: the round trip will cost me somewhere around $1200, for just the flights! However, this is a start, because I know that I really want to go there someday.
It feels good to finally have something solid planned. 
Well, I s'pose I'll go finish up my (better) homework (Spanish, Art History, and American Studies), neaten up my room, and pick out an outfit for tomorrow! Have a great night, everyone needs a good night's sleep!
"Keep in the sunlight!"
Ben Franklin

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