Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

Well, Friday morning's sore throat has developed into a full-blown head cold. Hoorayyy. Well, besides that, this weekend was actually pretty good. I finally finished that paper on Friday morning and stayed on schedule! Then that night I got to see one of my really good friends, Courtney, who was home for the weekend from college in Pittsburgh. Saturday I worked during the day and watched an old film with my mom and stepdad in the evening, Charade, which I really liked. Audrey Hepburn's style was just so classic and understated, I loved it.  You can never watch too many old movies, they're really great. Today was more lazy, in the morning I got up and helped my mom make jello and bake crumbly oatmeal butterscotch cookies, which were delicious! She found the recipe online somewhere, but the cookies were called "flapjacks" I think, even though it was more just a sheet of oatmeal, not anything like pancakes. Look it up, they were so easy to make! Then, I worked this evening for a while. I'm a hostess at Famous Dave's, which is a pretty lackluster job if you ask me, but hey, it's paying the bills for now. Also, tonight at two neighboring booths we had customers from Columbia and Iceland! How cool! Gosh but I want to go abroad again. It looks like I'll have to wait until second semester of next year, but I would go tomorrow if you asked. I can't decide where I want to go though. I'd love to stay in England, Ireland, or Scotland because I loved visiting them before and the people and culture are so wonderful, but I would just adore to go France because it's incredible and probably next on my dream list of places to visit, and I've had two years of French but would love to become fluent someday. But then also there's places like Spain, whose culture I also love, plus I'm a Spanish minor so this one probably makes the most sense...ah, decisions decisions! At least I have some time to think it over. That's something that I've been wanting to do for years: make a vision board. I want to look at my life and decide what I want in it and what needs to go. It's time to clean out my closet, figuratively and literally. I want to create the life I dream about in my head. It's time to think, to dream, to plan. Goodnight!

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