Friday, September 7, 2012

Only the Beginning...

Hello! Well, this is my first blog ever, and I'm not quite sure how to go about it haha. Let me introduce myself: I'm Jane, an 18 year old college freshman from Pennsylvania. I love reading, photography, art, music, travel, and the outdoors. I've been meaning to start a blog for ages, and tonight provided some empty time, so here we are! Currently, I'm trying to figure out what to do with myself. I'm not your average 18 year old. I have dreams of travel, seeing and helping in all parts of the world. In the summer of 2009, I had the incredible opportunity to travel abroad to England, Wales, Ireland, Northern Ireland, and Scotland. Since getting that first taste of life abroad, I have craved more every day. Seriously, at any time, you could ask me, and I'll be thinking about a location. I'm kind of in my own world that way.
 That's actually the reason for the title of my blog (To Those Who Will See). That line is from a book, The Sweet, Far Thing by Libba Bray. In it, a character says to another: "To those who will see, the world waits." That quote just spoke to me, because it is so true. There is such beauty all around us, if only we truly open our eyes to see it. Now, like any teenager, or any person really, that's not to say that I don't have down days where I want nothing but to leave my location and go anywhere else, or that sometimes I'm not satisfied with what's around me. Trust me, I know that I've lived a good life and am very blessed. But sometimes it's hard to remember that. However, this isn't going to be some deep mopey thing. This is going to be somewhere for me to express all that pent-up want and creativity and emotion for a more colorful life than I have here. I'll do that through writing, fashion, and photography. This will be half an online diary, half a creative outlet of a more polished nature than I show every day. So, cheers to new beginnings, and to life!

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