Thursday, September 13, 2012

So easily daunted?

If it was up to me, I probably wouldn't be enrolled in college right now. I know that I should take the opportunity of education, in any form, for the blessing that it is, but on nights like tonight, I really wish that I was off seeing some part of the world. I have to write my first college paper tonight, and the task is just looming over my head like a dark cloud. I liked the reading we did, and I like the topic I chose to write this paper on, but when it comes to actually completing the task? I can find any form of distraction known to man. Usually, I do this until the last possible minute, and then crank out a work which is acceptable, if not my best. However, on nights like tonight, I do not feel myself reaching that point of inspiration-from-necessity, but instead, am filled with the overwhelming desire to just curl up in my bed and sleep for three days. I have just been so tired lately, I can't explain it! I get 8 hours of sleep and wake up at the same time every day...and am absolutely exhausted by the day's end. I've been able to skate by for the past three weeks on minimal effort, but this paper is different. The class is my Honors class for the semester, and I really respect my professor and want to do a good job in this class. So why is it so freaking hard to just sit down and physically do the work?! This is a mystery I may never solve. Just had to get all the thoughts bouncing around in my skull out. Now to nothing but classical music in my ears and the word document in front of my eyes. Happy schooling to you, I hope you're having better luck than me tonight. More to come later when I'm back on track. Goodnight!

Here's somewhere I'd rather be tonight: the Gap of Dunloe, County Kerry, Ireland. When I was here, oh my gosh. "The most beautiful place I've ever been" was literally said and meant.

Not my photo; too lazy to go dig it up, plus I should be doing my paper anyway...

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